Silent Blue
I was drawn to the Scandinavian landscape, A landscape of such breathtaking beauty, it awakened my senses. Not just Somewhere in Sweden but the northern crown of Sweden where the little town of Jukkasjarvi sits alongside the magical River Tornealv. This is where I began my journey. The exploration unfolded releasing in me a passionate, spontaneous, visual adventure, one of interlocking relationships with a deep forceful inner spirituality. As I wandered through a labyrinth of passageways into another world, A modern day igloo appeared before my eyes, like a crown jewel resting on the snowy Scandinavian landscape, A 21st century Palace of Ice.
A vision in my mind’s eye appeared before me, I emerged transformed, as a form in concert with the surrounding nature, allowing my photography to serve. as a view through a mirror into my deepest soul’s mysterious desire. My “ Camera Duet “ approach, being on both sides of the camera lens, allowed my personal vision to flourish into a multi-faceted view of a transformed persona into a dreamlike state of expression. My living sculptural form melted into existence.